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Roddick Pulls from DC

Monday, July 6, 2009 , Posted by Mr Narconomics at 9:43 PM

The USTA announced that Mardy Fish will replace Andy Roddick on the U.S. Davis Cup team that will face Croatia this weekend in the 2009 Davis Cup quarterfinal tie on an indoor clay court in Porec, Croatia.

"Mardy is a Davis Cup veteran and we appreciate his willingness to join the team on short notice. He has been playing well and we are glad to have him back in the singles lineup," said McEnroe. "Andy had a great run at Wimbledon. He battled for more than four hours yesterday and fought hard to reach the final. Understandably, his body is not up for the rigors of Davis Cup in such a short turnaround.

Roddick suffered an injured right hip flexor during his five-set loss in the Wimbledon singles final yesterday.

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